Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco IOS Software [Denali], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.3.6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 28-Feb-18 15:23 by mcpre
Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2018 by cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software, or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE software.
FIPS: Flash Key Check : Begin FIPS: Flash Key Check : End, Not Found, FIPS Mode Not Enabled
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
cisco WS-C3650-24TS (MIPS) processor (revision R0) with 864936K/6147K bytes of memory. Processor board ID FDO2218Q0HV 2048K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 4194304K bytes of physical memory. 250456K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo:. 1609272K bytes of Flash at flash:. 0K bytes of at webui:.
Base Ethernet MAC Address : 78:0c:f0:55:66:00 Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-15898-06 Motherboard Serial Number : FDO22180M9Q Model Revision Number : R0 Motherboard Revision Number : A0 Model Number : WS-C3650-24TS System Serial Number : FDO2218Q0HV
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco IOS Software [Denali], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.3.6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 28-Feb-18 15:23 by mcpre
Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2018 by cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are
licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The
software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such
GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the
documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,
or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE
FIPS: Flash Key Check : Begin
FIPS: Flash Key Check : End, Not Found, FIPS Mode Not Enabled
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
cisco WS-C3650-24TS (MIPS) processor (revision R0) with 864936K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FDO2218Q0HV
2048K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
250456K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo:.
1609272K bytes of Flash at flash:.
0K bytes of at webui:.
Base Ethernet MAC Address : 78:0c:f0:55:66:00
Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-15898-06
Motherboard Serial Number : FDO22180M9Q
Model Revision Number : R0
Motherboard Revision Number : A0
Model Number : WS-C3650-24TS
System Serial Number : FDO2218Q0HV
%INIT: waited 0 seconds for NVRAM to be available
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